Hair fall can be stopped by applying these things kept in the kitchen to the hair…try it

Hair fall can be stopped by applying these things kept in the kitchen to the hair…try it

Hair Fall: Due to our present day lifestyle and pollution, hair fall has become a very common problem. This is such a problem that everyone is troubled by and wants to get rid of as soon as possible. For this people use many expensive products. But even then they do not get relief from this problem. Along with this, due to the presence of chemicals in these products, the problem of hair increases even more. These beauty products damage our hair even more. In such a situation, we are telling you some home remedies to get rid of this problem. Telling the use of some such things which are present in your kitchen. Using this will reduce your hair fall problem.

Curry leaves- You can also use curry leaves for hair growth. Curry leaves are considered very beneficial for hair. It is rich in antioxidants which prove to be helpful in increasing the length of hair. People whose hair is very thin or their hair is falling too much, such people should find curry in their hair. For this take 12 to 15 curry leaves and boil them in a bowl of coconut oil. When the curry leaves boil well, remove the oil from the heat and keep it to cool. After cooling, massage the hair roots with this mixture. Now leave this oil in the hair like this for a few hours, then wash the hair with some mild shampoo and water.

Onion juice-Onion juice too. Has been found to be very beneficial for your hair. This is the reason why onion juice is now mixed in many hair products. Applying onion juice can increase hair length rapidly. For this, apply fresh onion juice to your hair. Leave it on the hair for 40 to 50 minutes, then wash the hair with a mild shampoo.

Fenugreek seeds- You can also use fenugreek in hair fall problem. Are. Vitamins and proteins are found in fenugreek which helps in keeping the hair healthy as well as making it long. Apart from this, fenugreek seeds contain a good amount of iron which corrects blood circulation and makes the hair strong from inside. Also removes dandruff.


  • Two spoons fenugreek seeds
  • Two spoons curd

How to use

  • First of all soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
  • < li>Now in the morning, take out fenugreek seeds from water and make a paste.

  • Then add curd to this paste and now apply this homemade mask on the hair.
  • Apply it on the hair. To apply, wash and dry the hair thoroughly.
  • Now leave this paste on for 1 hour, then do a mild shampoo.
  • You can use this hair pack for a week. I can apply it twice, it is expected to give good results.

Disclaimer: Before following the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, consult a doctor or Do take the advice of the concerned expert.

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